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title: 'legals'
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keywords: 'KValue, business consulting, digital transformation, innovation, technology, supervisory body, reporting model, code of ethics, legals kvalue'
description: 'Welcome to the Legal section of KValue. If you have found a violation of KValue's Code of Ethics, you can fill in the violation form.'
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slug: legals
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<span class="title-tag">Legals</span>
<h2 class="title">Code of Ethics</h2>
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<p class="fs-19 text-color-2 pt-20"><b>Ethics</b> in business is extremely important to ensure the correct operation and reputation of a company towards its shareholders, customers, suppliers and, in general, the whole economic context in which it operates. KValue knows and exercises its profound ethical values and turns this into a competitive advantage.</p>
<p class="fs-19 text-color-2">The Board of Directors therefore decided on 31 May 2016 to adopt this revision 01 of the Code of Ethics, which was previously approved by the Sole Director of KValue on 29 November 2013, which aims to confirm and set out in writing the commitment to fairness, loyalty, integrity, and transparency of conduct in the management of relationships both internally and towards third parties.</p>
<p class="fs-19 text-color-2">All KValue employees, the Board of Directors as well as contractors working to achieve the <b>Company’s goals</b> can be considered recipients (the "Recipients") of this <b>Code of Ethics</b>.</p>
<p class="fs-19 text-color-2">Therefore we expect the Recipients to be aware of the content of the Code of Ethics and contribute to implementing and applying the principles expressed therein.</p>
<p class="fs-19 text-color-2">The dissemination of the Code of Ethics is promoted toward anyone who has business relationships with the Company (customers, suppliers, consultants, etc.). They are committed to respecting the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate.</p>
<p class="fs-19 text-color-2">The rules in this Code of Ethics supplement the conduct that the Recipients are required to observe, in accordance with the applicable civil and criminal laws in all countries in which the company operates and with any obligations within collective negotiation.</p>
<p class="fs-19 text-color-2">Recipients breaching the Code of Ethics rules compromise the relationship of trust with the Company and will be subject to disciplinary actions.</p>
<p class="fs-19 text-color-2">The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the application of the Code of Ethics.</p>
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<h2 class="title">I. General principles</h2>
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<p class="fs-16 text-color-2 mt-20">The Recipients, according to their competence, must comply with the following general principles:</p>
<li class="fs-16 text-color-4">act following the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which KValue operates;</p>
<li class="fs-16 text-color-4">treat customers, employees, suppliers, the surrounding community, and the institutions representing it, as well as any third party with whom there is a professional relationship, in an honest, fair, and impartial way, without prejudice;</p>
<li class="fs-16 text-color-4">engage in fair market competition;</p>
<li class="fs-16 text-color-4">protect their own health and safety and that of third parties;</p>
<li class="fs-16 text-color-4">minimise potentially harmful effects of activities on the environment;</p>
<li class="fs-16 text-color-4">keep any information regarding the Company, its know-how, employees, customers, and suppliers confidential;</p>
<li class="fs-16 text-color-4">avoid or declare in advance any conflicts of interest with the Company;</p>
<li class="fs-16 text-color-4">use the Company’s intellectual and material assets in accordance with their intended use and safeguard their conditions and functioning.</p>
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<h2 class="title">II. Business management conduct</h2>
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<p class="title-list">A. Dealing with customers</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">KValue’s activities are aimed at customer satisfaction and protection, paying attention to any request that may help improve the quality of its services.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">In conducting business with customers, the Recipients of the Code of Ethics are expected to apply suitable conditions to each kind of customer, by establishing a consistent treatment for customers sharing the same conditions.</p>
<p class="title-list">B. Dealing with human resources</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">Human resources are essential for a company to exist, develop, and be successful. Therefore, KValue protects and promotes its human resources with the aim of improving and developing the knowledge and competitive expertise of each employee within the organisation.</p>
<p class="title-list">C. Dealing with employees </p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">KValue’s activities are aimed at customer satisfaction and protection, paying attention to any request that may help improve the quality of its services.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">The Administrative Department manages human resources.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">The Company does not employ any form of forced or child labour and is committed to not establishing or conducting business with suppliers employing forced or child labour.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">The Company offers equal opportunities to all its employees based on the professional qualifications and abilities of each one and does not discriminate against anyone based on religion, race, colour, national origin, sex, age, height, weight, status, disability, political opinion or trade union membership.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">Therefore, the Company selects, hires, pays, and organises its employees based on merit and skills through the relevant department.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">A workplace that is healthy and safe for the employees encourages cooperation and team spirit while respecting each person’s moral character, and it is free of prejudice, intimidation, unlawful influences, or undue discomfort.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">KValue deems unacceptable any kind of harassment, for instance relating to race, sex, or other personal characteristics, with the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a person, both inside and outside the workplace.</p>
<p class="title-list">C. Dealing with competitors</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">KValue believes in fair competition and refrains from any behaviour that is against EU or domestic provisions protecting free competition.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">You must never use unlawful means to purchase business secrets or other confidential information belonging to competitors, engage in unlawful practices, such as industrial espionage, hire employees of competing companies with the purpose of gaining confidential information or only to harm competitors.</p>
<p class="title-list">E. Dealing with Public Administration</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">In its relations with Public Administration, KValue is committed to paying particular attention to each action, behaviour, or agreement, ensuring they are fully transparent, fair, and legal. To this end, as far as possible, KValue will avoid being represented in such relations by one individual, based on the assumption that multiple subjects help minimise the risk of interactions that are inconsistent with the company’s and the Public Administration’s intents.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">During business negotiations, requests, or dealings with Public Administration, any behaviour that will directly or indirectly influence unfairly the counterpart’s decision will not be tolerated. In particular, employment and/or commercial opportunities that could benefit Public Administration employees on a personal level cannot be considered or offered, nor can confidential information that could compromise the integrity or reputation of both parties be solicited or obtained. While entertaining business relationships, contractual provisions must be complied with, unauthorised replacements should be avoided, and adequate control and safeguarding mechanisms should be previously arranged, using only competent and correct persons.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">If the Company uses a consultant or third person to represent it when dealing with Public Administration, that person will be required to comply with the directives applicable to the Company employees.</p>
<p class="title-list">F. Gifts and presents</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">KValue will not tolerate any kind of bribery to public officials or representatives of international organisations or any other party associated with a public official or representative. Therefore, the Recipients of this Code cannot directly or indirectly accept, solicit, offer or pay a bribe or other benefits, even if unlawful pressure has been exerted to obtain an improper business benefit.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">No gifts of any kind are allowed that could be interpreted as exceeding normal commercial or courtesy rules, or in any case aimed at gaining favourable treatment in conducting any activity whatsoever that could be linked to KValue. In particular, it is forbidden to give any form of gifts to public officials in Italy or abroad, or to their relatives, which could influence their unbiased judgment or induce them to guarantee any benefit.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">It is emphasised that this rule not only concerns promised or offered gifts but also those already received: a gift is considered any kind of benefit (free admittance to conferences, promise of future work, etc.).</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">KValue only gives presents aimed at promoting cultural, sporting, humanitarian initiatives, or the Company’s <em>brand image</em>.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">Gifts offered, except those of a modest value, shall be adequately documented to allow checks and authorisations by the relevant department manager and reported to the Supervisory Board.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">The Recipients of this Code of Ethics who receive gifts or benefits that are not of a modest value are expected to report them to the Supervisory Board, who will assess the suitability and will inform them of the relevant KValue policy.</p>
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<h2 class="title">III. Health, safety, environment</h2>
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<p class="title-list">A. Health and safety</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">The Recipients of this Code contribute to preventing risks and preserving health and safety for themselves, their colleagues, and third parties, except for the individual liability under the provisions of applicable laws.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">Furthermore, they must have mutual respect for the dignity, honour, and reputation of every other person in the company and comply with the internal company organisation.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">When carrying out company activities, the abuse of alcoholic substances or drugs is strictly forbidden as is smoking in the workplace, in accordance with applicable laws, and wherever smoke can pose a risk to the Company facility and assets or the health or safety of colleagues and third parties.</p>
<p class="title-list">B. Environmental protection</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">KValue wants to safeguard the environment, which it sees as a primary asset.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">To this end, KValue plans its activities while seeking a balance between economic initiatives and environmental needs, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">The Recipients of this Code must contribute to environmental protection. In particular, those involved in production processes are expected to carefully avoid exhaust and illegal emissions of hazardous materials and handle the most hazardous waste in compliance with the specific requirements.</p>
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<h2 class="title">IV. Processing internal information</h2>
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<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">All information and any other material obtained by the Recipients of this Code of Ethics in relation to their work or professional relationship is strictly confidential and remains the property of the Company. This information may regard present and future activities, including still undisclosed news, or information and announcements soon to be disclosed.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">Those who have access to privileged information regarding the Company (for example, information concerning changes in management, acquisition plans, mergers, splitting, strategic plans, budgets, and business plans) in order to perform their job, profession or duty cannot use it to their advantage and/or that of family members, acquaintances and, in general, third parties, but only to perform and within the scope of their duty or profession. They should also ensure they do not disclose privileged information and avoid any misuse of such information.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">Information and/or any other kind of news, documents, or data not in the public domain and related to the activities and operations of each task or responsibility cannot be disclosed, used, or communicated for other purposes unless without authorisation.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">A beneficial level of confidentiality is recommended when treating information regarding the Company and its activities.</p>
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<h2 class="title">V. Using Information Technology resources</h2>
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<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">Information Technology (IT) and telematics resources are fundamental tools for the Company to operate correctly and competitively, as they ensure the rapid, widespread, and correct flow of the information necessary to manage and control its activities.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">All information stored in the Company IT and telematics systems, including electronic mail, is the property of KValue and must be used solely for carrying out Company activities, in the manner and within the limits provided for by the Company.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">To guarantee that regulations regarding privacy are complied with, correct and limited use of IT and telematic tools is aimed for, refraining from adopting any conduct that seeks to collect, store, and disseminate data and information for purposes other than the Company’s activities. The use of IT and telematic tools is subject to monitoring by the Company.</p>
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<h2 class="title">VI. Books and records</h2>
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<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">KValue records all company activities and operations accurately, in order to guarantee the utmost transparency in accounting for shareholders and external authorities and to avoid any false, misleading, or deceptive entries.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">The administrative and accounting activity is carried out through advanced IT tools and procedures that optimise its efficiency, correctness, completeness, and suitability to accounting principles, as well as promote necessary checks and audits on the legitimacy, consistency, and appropriateness of the decision-making, authorisation and execution process of the organisation’s activities and operations.</p>
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<h2 class="title">VII. Corporate conduct</h2>
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<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">KValue believes that the Company conduct should always be formally and effectively adopted in accordance with the law, respecting the decisions of the shareholders, maintaining transparent and reliable conduct, even towards its creditors, preserving the integrity of the share capital and the non-distributable reserves, as well as cooperating with the relevant authorities.</p>
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<h2 class="title">VIII. Conflicts of interest</h2>
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<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">The Recipients of the Code of Ethics must avoid any situation and activity that presents the possibility of a conflict of interest between their personal economic activities and their duties in their workplace.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">Anyone who believes they are confronted with a potential conflict of interest with the Company is required to report it to the Board of Directors for assessment, except for the relevant provision of Art. 2391 of the Italian Civil Code about Directors.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">Personal interests cannot damage the company’s interests, and unauthorised personal use of the company’s assets or holding interests directly or indirectly in companies that are competitors, customers, or suppliers is prohibited.</p>
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<h2 class="title">IX. Scope of the Code of Ethics</h2>
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<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">Violating the provisions in this Code of Ethics shall be deemed a breach of the contractual obligations of the employee, contractor, or professional collaboration contract, and may result in legal and contract consequences, also in accordance with Art. 2104 of the Italian Civil Code. The Company will be entitled to apply the disciplinary actions under the Disciplinary Code.</p>
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<h2 class="title">VIII. Conflicts of interest</h2>
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<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the application of the Code of Ethics and it has the following tasks:</p>
<li class="fs-16 text-color-4">supervise that the Code is followed and shared with all its Recipients;</p>
<li class="fs-16 text-color-4">verify every reported Code violation and notify the relevant Company bodies and functions of the results so that they can adopt possible disciplinary measures;</p>
<li class="fs-16 text-color-4">Suggest changes to the Code content to adjust it to the changing context where the Company operates and the needs resulting from its evolution.</p>
<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">This Code of Ethics is fully shared with all its Recipients.</p>
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<h2 class="title">XI. Reporting corporate regulation violations and unethical conduct</h2>
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<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">Any violation of legal and/or corporate regulations or of this Code of Ethics shall be reported immediately, in writing and confidentially, to your immediate manager, who will inform the Supervisory Board promptly. Employees are required to report any violation regarding their immediate manager to the next level managers, who will inform the Supervisory Board promptly.</p>
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<h2 class="title">REPORTING VIOLATIONS</h2>
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<p class="fs-16 text-color-2">If you observe a violation of this Code of Ethics, <a href="/user/themes/kvalue/images/segnalazione-violazioni.pdf" target="_blank">report</a> it to us by signing and sending this form to the address<a href=""></a>.</p>